Your MLM Recruiting System

MLM_Recruiting_SystemA proven system is a non-negotiable element to any long-term MLM recruiting efforts.

Having a system is nothing more than a step-by-step process you take your prospects through.

The idea is to produce a predictable and reliable result.

It allows you to measure your results.

And you can continually tweak different aspects at each step along the way to create continuous improvements in the performance of the system.

Without a system, you will haphazardly attempt one method after another, spinning your wheels and never achieving any significant forward momentum in your business.

The Essence of MLM Recruiting

Every recruiting system needs three basic elements:

– An offer to solve a specific, pressing need for your prospect.

– A means of indoctrination and relationship building.

– A closing mechanism that causes them to join your business.

Recruiting in your MLM is all about taking a prospect from where you find them psychologically and emotionally, and bringing them into a state of belief and excitement about your opportunity.

You need to transfer your passion, your enthusiasm, your faith, to your potential distributor.

You need to pull them into your frame of how you see the world.

In order to draw people into your world, you need to have a very clear driving purpose and cast a compelling vision of where you are going.

People respond to bold moves, to someone stepping up and providing leadership.

Until you become settled in your own mind and have a clear view of your objective and destination, you will struggle to convince people to join you.

Your business recruiting efforts will flag, and perhaps drop to nothing.

Decide for yourself who you are and what you are going to accomplish – no matter what.

Then share that vision with others and invite them to join you.

Basic MLM Recruiting System Elements

Every recruiting system needs three basic elements:

– An offer to solve a specific, pressing need for your prospect.

– A means of indoctrination and relationship building.

– A closing mechanism that causes them to join your business.

Offer to Solve a Painful Problem

The first step in this process is the basis for any marketing effort – entering the conversation already taking place in your prospect's mind.

mlm-recruiting-solve-a-problemYour ideal prospect is facing some sort of pain or frustration that you can alleviate with a simple, elegant solution.

Give them this valuable information up-front, without charge.

This creates goodwill and an urge to reciprocate.

It also labels you as a person of value in their mind.

And this positioning is crucially important.

Relationship Building and Indoctrination

This simply means allowing the prospect to get to know you, and educating them on your opportunity.

“Indoctrination” may sound a bit like brainwashing to some, but it is nothing nefarious in this context.

You are simply introducing them to new ideas that allow them to see the world the way you do.

You are imparting your frame or lens through which you are viewing things.

This whole process often takes many repeated contacts over time.

Some studies on sales patterns have long indicated that the majority of sales are made after seven or more contacts with the company, brand, or idea.

Don't assume that it will take less with your potential MLM recruits.

Recruiting Closing Mechanism

The final element is something that will galvanize your prospects into taking action.

It's the catalyst that pushes them over the edge of indecision into forward movement.

This is your call to action, or CTA.

It can be subtle and implicit, or more bold and direct.

I recommend using a mixture of both tactics.

The better your relationship and longer you have had contact, the more direct you can be in your command to join you in your MLM opportunity.

If you want to see a detailed breakdown, check out this page on

Network Marketing Lead Generation

What is the best MLM recruiting system?

Depending on your experience and comfort level in the industry, those 3 steps may sound very or daunting and complicated.

Your system doesn't need to be complex or confusing.

And many MLM companies have some sort of system already in place for you to learn and use in recruiting.

The drawback to most of these is that there is very little leverage in the systems because they aren't automated.

If you want to learn more about the automated and highly leveraged system I use to recruit in my business, you can check that out here.